What is BSB-LAN?
BSB-LAN is a software/hardware solution for accessing the âBoiler-System-Busâ (BSB), the âLocal-Process-Bus (LPB)â and the âPunkt-zu-Punkt-Schnittstelleâ (PPS). The BSB-LAN hardware is available for various ESP32-based microcontrollers (ESP32 NodeMCU, Olimex EVB, Olimex POE-ISO) as well as for an Arduino Due with Ethernet shield. It allows accessing the heating systems from Atlantic, Brötje, Elco and many other manufacturers via LAN/WLAN, provided that they use one of the Siemens controllers listed below.
BSB-LAN makes it possible to monitor and control the heating system and log any given values. This project supports almost all parameters available on the heating systems and can be a more comprehensive and cost-effective alternative to the OZW 672, OCI 700 or Remocon Net B.
Optional integration into existing smart home systems such as Home Assistant, ioBroker, openHAB, Node-RED, Homebridge, Jeedom, SmartHomeNG, VolkszÀhler, FHEM, HomeMatic, Loxone, IP-Symcon or EDOMI is possible via MQTT, JSON or HTTP access.
The adapter can also be used as a standalone logger without LAN or Internet connection when using a microSD card.
Temperature and humidity sensors can also be connected and their data can also be logged and analyzed. The option of integrating your own code into the BSB-LAN software also offers a wide range of expansion options.
Where and how do I begin?
- You are an experienced user? Head on to the quickstart or update instructions. Otherwise (or if you run into problems), please read on!
- Is my heating system supported by BSB-LAN? Please go to the list of supported heating systems.
- If you already know that your system is supported, find out more about the BSB-LAN adapter and where to get it.
- If you already have the adapter, you may want to know how to install the adapter.
- If you have installed the adapter, you will need to configure BSB-LAN.
- Once you have everything up and running, find out about how to use BSB-LAN or learn more about the ways to ingetrate BSB-LAN into home automation systems.
- If you want to update BSB-LAN and would like to know what has changed since your last installation, please check the ChangeLog.
- Our wiki pages are continuously growing and provide background knowledge as well as more specialized topics on BSB-LAN and heating systems in general.
- If you run into troubles, have a look at the troubleshooting page.
- And before you ask anyone else any questions, have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) first!