
There are two ways to configure BSB-LAN:

  1. Through the configuration file BSB_LAN_config.h
  2. Through the web-interface by calling http://bsb-lan.local/C (or the corresponding IP address)

For the initial configuration, some settings have to be configured in the configuration file (such as language and network settings).
Any further changes can be done also in the web-interface. It may, however, be useful to do the configuration (also) in the configuration file in case one needs to change the microcontroller. Almost all settings exist also in the web-interface and vice versa.

On an ESP32-based microcontroller, BSB-LAN will set up its own wireless access point named BSB-LAN if it cannot connect to any network. So even without any further configuration, you can connect to this access point with the password BSB-LPB-PPS-LAN and access BSB-LAN via the IP address and proceed with the configuration via this way. Keep in mind that if you have set a passkey or HTTP username and password, these are still required if these details are stored in EEPROM or BSB_LAN_config.h.

Configuration through `BSB_LAN_config.h``

The configuration file consists of variables that are used in other parts of BSB-LAN. It is therefore important to only change the contents of the variables (i.e. the settings) and not the type of the variables. So if there is for example the setting
byte ip_addr[4] = {192,168,178,88};
you must not alter the byte ip_addr[4] = part, only the contents, in this case the comma-separated IP address.

Configuration through the web-interface

Configuring BSB-LAN through the web-interface is pretty straightforward, as you don't have to deal with variable names but clear descriptions. Initially, only a selected number of configuration options are displayed in the webinterface. To have access to all of them, you have to set the "extended configuration" option to "on".

Overview of configuration options

General Settings

Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
- #define LANG Set language DE, EN, FR and other ISO country codes
Display extended configuration - Show all configuration options On
Read config from EEPROM UseEEPROM Read configuration from EEPROM or file On (1)
Off (0)
Write access (level) - If DEFAULT_FLAGis set to FL_SW_CTL_RONLY, you can set the level of write access here. Off (read-only)
On (Standard)
On (Complete)
Check for updates enable_version_check Query BSB-LAN server for new available version On (true)
OTA Update enable_ota_update Enable over-the-air (OTA) update On (true)
Energy saving esp32_save_energy Reduces speed, saves energy. Do not enable when using WiFi. On (true)
Off (false)
Webserver file system webserver Enables serving files from SD card On (true)
Off (false)
- #define DEFAULT_FLAG Set read/write access to heating system. FL_RONLY sets all parameters to read-only. FL_SW_CTL_RONLY allows setting read/write access via web-interface configuration setting.
0 makes all parameters that could be written writeable. Do not use this option unless instructed otherwise!

Bus settings

Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
Bus type bus_type Bus type (BSB/LPB/PPS) BSB (0)
LPB (1)
PPS (2)
PPS: mode pps_write BSB-LAN can act as a PPS room unit (only if no real room unit is connected) or just listen passively. passive (0)
as room unit (1)
PPS: QAA model QAA_TYPE Room unit that should be simulated for PPS bus QAA70 (0x53), QAA50 (0x52), QAA95 (0x37), QAW10 (0x4D), QAW20 (0x4E), MCBA/REA70/DC225 (0x58), QAA10 (0x5A), QAA20 (0x5B), QAA12/13 (0x5D), BMU (0x66), RVD130 (0x43)
Own address own_address Own bus address (default 66 should not be changed) 66 (66)
Destination address dest_address Destination bus address.
For BSB always 0.
For LPB 0 if destination device is in segment 1, device address 0.
To convert from LPB segment and device address notation to destination address, multiply segment by 16, add the device address and subtract one. For example, to address a device in segment 4 with device address 3, the destination address is (4 * 16) + 3 - 1 = 66.
For PPS not relevant.
0 (0)
Device family fixed_device_family Set the device family that BSB-LAN should emulate. Leave at 0 for auto-detection. 0 (0)
Device variant fixed_device_variant Set the device variant that BSB-LAN should emulate. Leave at 0 for auto-detection 0 (0)
RX pin number
TX pin number
bus_pins Define the RX/TX pins to communicate with the BSB-LAN adapter. Leave at 0 for auto-detection. 0 and 0 (0, 0)

Network settings

Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
Network device network_type Choose between WLAN and LAN to connect BSB-LAN to the network. LAN (0)
WLAN (1)
WLAN SSID wifi_ssid Set the WLAN network name when using WLAN. Your_WLAN_name (Your_WLAN_name)
WLAN password wifi_pass Set the WLAN password when using WLAN. YourWLANpassword (YourWLANpassword)
DHCP usage use_dhcp Set whether or not to use DHCP to get an IP address from the router. On (true)
Off (false)
IP address (fixed) ip_addr When not using DHCP, you can set a fixed IP address here. Otherwise leave at In the web-interface, you may use dot notation. In the configuration file, you have to use comma as a separator. (192,168,178,88)
Subnet subnet_addr Subnet when using fixed IP address. Same notation as with IP address. (255,255,255,0)
Gateway gateway_addr Gateway address when using fixed IP address. Same notation as with IP address. (192,168,178,1)
DNS Server dns_addr DNS server address when using fixed IP address. Same notation as with IP address. (192,168,178,1)
TCP Port HTTPPort HTTP port number to access the web-interface. Defaults to 80. 80 (80)
MAC address mac Set a fixed MAC address. Only relevant on Arduino. 00:80:41:19:69:90 (0x00, 0x80, 0x41, 0x19, 0x69, 0x90)
mDNS Hostname mDNS_hostname Hostname for mDNS discovery BSB-LAN (BSB-LAN)
HTTP authentification USER_PASS If not empty, this setting contains the username and password for HTTP authentification, separated by a colon. Username:Password (Username:Password)
URL Passkey PASSKEY Passkey adds a user-defined sequence that needs to be added to the URL after the hostname.
For example, a passkey of 1234 requires every URL to be written as http://bsb-lan.local/1234/ instead of just http://bsb-lan.local/1234/. Leave empty for no passkey.
1234 (1234)
Trusted IP address trusted_ip_addr Access to BSB-LAN is only possible from this IP address. Same notation as with IP address. (192,168,178,89)
Trusted IP address trusted_ip_addr2 Access to BSB-LAN is only possible from this IP address. Same notation as with IP address. (192,168,178,90)
- bssid Enter a specific BSSID address here to ensure connecting to a specific access point. Set to all zeros under normal circumstances. (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
- ntp_server Set an NTP server here to acquire exact time for BSB-LAN. Set to empty string if you don't want to use NTP. ESP32-based microcontrollers only. (
- local_timezone Timezone to use for NTP. See here for a complete list. (CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3)


Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
Storage device LogDestination Select the destination for logging activities. SD card is highly recommended, as using the internal flash will wear out the internal flash eventually. SD card (SDCARD)
Internal Flash Storage (FLASH)
Logging mode LoggingMode Set the logging destinations/activities. Multiple selections are possible, for the configuration file, the values have to be added, for example, to send to MQTT broker and to UDP, set the value to 4 + 8 = 12 Write to SD card (1)
Calculate 24h averages (2)
Send to MQTT broker (4)
Send to UDP (8)
Logging Interval log_interval Interval for logging activities (in seconds) 60 (60)
Log Parameters log_parameters List of logging parameters. See addressing instructions below. 8700, 8743!2, 8314!2 ({8700, -1}, {8743, 2}, {8314, 2})
Log bus telegrams logTelegram Log raw bus telegrams, such as broadcast messages or unknown telegrams Off (LOGTELEGRAM_OFF)
Log all bus telegrams (LOGTELEGRAM_ON)
Log unknown bus telegrams only (LOGTELEGRAM_UNKNOWN_ONLY)
Log broadcast bus telegrams only (LOGTELEGRAM_BROADCAST_ONLY)
Log unknown broadcast bus telegrams only (LOGTELEGRAM_UNKNOWN_ONLY + LOGTELEGRAM_BROADCAST_ONLY)
24h averages parameters avg_parameters List of parameters for generating 24 hour averages. See addressing instructions below. 8700, 8743!2, 8314!2 ({8700, -1}, {8743, 2}, {8314, 2})
- #define DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_PLOT Define default number of days to plot logging data (3)


Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
MQTT Broker server mqtt_broker_addr Hostname/IP of the MQTT broker my-mqtt-broker.local (my-mqtt-broker.local)
MQTT Username MQTTUsername Optional username for MQTT broker MyMQTTusername (MyMQTTusername)
MQTT Password MQTTPassword Optional password for MQTT broker MyMQTTpassword (MyMQTTpassword)
MQTT Device ID MQTTDeviceID Device identifier for MQTT BSB-LAN (BSB-LAN)
MQTT Topic prefix MQTTTopicPrefix Topic prefix for MQTT BSB-LAN (BSB-LAN)
MQTT Usage mqtt_mode Set the format for MQTT messages Plain text (1) - Send parameter number and value in plain text format
JSON (2) - Send messages in JSON format (parameter number and value only)
Rich JSON (3) - Send parameter number/name/value/unit/error in JSON format.

Sensors and external devices

Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
OneWire Pins One_Wire_Pin Set the OneWire pin (use -1 in configuration file to disable) 10 (10)
DHT Pins DHT_Pins Set the DHT22 sensor pins (use -1 in configuration file to disable) 11, 12, 13 (11, 12, 13, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)
BME280 sensors BME_Sensors Set number of BME280 sensors on the I2C bus. You need to have access to I2C pins. Fixed addresses 0x76 and 0x77 will be used. Use 0 to disable. 1 (1)
MAX! Usage enable_max_cul Enable or disable connection to CUNO/CUNX/modified MAX!Cube On (true)
Off (false)
IP address cube max_cul_ip_addr IP address of the CUNO/CUNX/MAX!Cube (192,168,178,21)
MAX! Devices max_device_list IDs of MAX! devices to be polled KEQ0502326, KEQ0505080, KHA0002948 ("KEQ0502326", "KEQ0505080", "KHA0002948")
IPWE Usage enable_ipwe Enable IPWE extension (/ipwe.cgi) On (true)
Off (false)
IPWE Parameters ipwe_parameters List of parameters for display in IPWE extension. See addressing instructions below. 8700, 8743!2, 8314!2 ({8700, -1}, {8743, 2}, {8314, 2})
- #define CUSTOM_COMMANDS Enable custom functions


Web-Interface Configuration File Functionality Possible settings
Debugging Usage debug_mode Select debug output Off (0)
Serial (1)
Telnet (2)
Verbosity mode verbose Enable or disable verbose debug messages (do not turn off unless advised) On (1)
Off (0)
Raw data mode monitor Enable or disable raw data mode (do not turn on unless advised!) On (1)
Off (0)
Display unknown parameters show_unknown Try and display also parameters not supported by destination device On (true)
Off (false)

Adressing different heating controllers

In order to address parameters from devices other than the default destination device in the web-interface, you need to add an exclamation mark followed by the device address (see above for converting segment/device notation to device address).
For example, parameter 8700 from device address 1 would be written as 8700!1instead of just 8700.

For the configuration file, parameters are listed in the form {parameter number, destination address}. Parameter 8700 from device address 1 would thus be written as {8700, 1}. To address the default destination, you can do so by using -1.